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Github Releases

Download something from GitHub Releases


type = "ghrel"
repo = "ViaVersion/ViaVersion"
tag = "4.7.0"
asset = "ViaVersion-${tag}.jar" #(1)!
  1. The real asset name is ViaVersion-4.7.0.jar.


The strings can contain variable syntax:

  • ${mcver} or ${mcversion} for the mc_version in server.toml (usable in tag and asset)
  • ${tag}, ${release} or ${version} for the resolved github release version (usable in asset)


For the asset field, its first checked if the given asset exists on the release. If it doesn't, it will pick the first asset whose filename contains the asset value


Name Type Description
type "ghrel"
repo string Repository with its owner, like "ParadigmMC/mcman"
tag string/"latest" The 'tag' (version number in most cases) of the release
asset string/"first" The name of the asset