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Added in 0.4.0

Download from a Maven instance.


Name Type Description
type "maven"
url string URL to the Maven instance
group string The group, seperated with .
artifact string The name of the artifact
version string The version of the artifact
filename string Filename to download


The strings can contain variable syntax:

  • ${mcver} or ${mcversion} for the mc_version in server.toml
  • ${artifact} for the resolved artifact (in version or filename)
  • ${version} for the resolved version (in filename)


For the version field, its first checked if the given version exists on the artifact. If it doesn't, it will pick the first version that contains the contents of version

This is also true for the filename field

For example:

Lets assume these are the versions and their files:

- 1.19.4-1.0.0
  - amongus-1.19.4.jar
  - amongus-1.19.4-extra-sus.jar
- 1.19.4-3.6.7
  - 3.6.7.jar

And that:
- artifact: "amongus"
mc_version maven version resolved version maven filename resolved filename
1.19.4 ${mcver}-1.0.0 1.19.4-1.0.0 ${artifact}-${mcver}.jar amongus-1.19.4.jar
1.19.4 ${mcver} 1.19.4-1.0.0 ${artifact}-${mcver}-extr amongus-1.19.4-extra-sus.jar
1.19.4 ${mcver}-3 1.19.4-3.6.7 ${version}.jar 3.6.7.jar