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Server Launcher

The [launcher] table lets mcman create launch scripts for you while running the build command.

Default values aren't written back to config - except for aikars_flags, proxy_flags and eula_args which are always written.

Example ServerLauncher
disable = false # (1)

# (2)
jvm_args = "-exampleidk"
game_args = "--world abc"

aikars_flags = true # (3)
proxy_flags = false # (4)

eula_args = true # (5)

nogui = true # (6)

memory = "2048M" # (7)

# (8)
  1. Disables generating launch scripts completely. false by default
  2. If needed, you can add custom arguments here. The format is java [jvm_args] -jar server.jar [game_args]
  3. Use aikar's flags - these do optimizations, see for more info
  4. Like aikar's, but for proxies (bungeecord, waterfall, velocity)
  5. Adds -Dcom.mojang.eula.agree=true - this flag exists in spigot/paper to ignore eula.txt. Writes to eula.txt when on fabric or quilt
  6. Adds --nogui to game args, disable if its a proxy server as they dont support it
  7. Specify -Xmx/-Xms (memory) for the server.
  8. A table of properties. This is the same as using
    jvm_args = "-Dhello=thing"


Name Type Description
disable bool Disables script generation altogether
nogui bool Adds --nogui at the end
aikars_flags bool Use aikars flags
proxy_flags bool Use proxy flags
jvm_args string Custom jvm args (before -jar serv.jar)
game_args string Custom game args (after -jar serv.jar)
memory string How much memory to give (-Xmx/-Xms), example: "2048M"
properties table sets -D-prefixed system property jvm args