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Server (server.toml)

Each server.toml file defines a differient server.

To generate one, you can use the mcman init command (see Getting Started)


If you are in your server's sub-directories, mcman will be able to find the server.toml file recursively.

name = "My SMP"
mc_version = "1.20.1"

type = "purpur"


name: String

The name field defines the name of the server. It's recommended to be alphanumeric because of the other features using this field.

For example, to overwrite the SERVER_PORT variable, you can use the PORT_name environment variable where name is the server's name.

The SERVER_NAME variable can be used to access this field.

mc_version: String

The mc_version field is used in many ways, most notably:

  • Selecting the server jar
  • Filtering addon versions

This field can also be accessed using the SERVER_VERSION, mcversion or mcver variables.

jar: Downloadable

launcher: Server Launcher

This field is used to configure or disable the generated start.bat and scripts.

The order of these arguments are:

java [jvm_args] [memory] [preset] [eula] [properties] <startup> [nogui] [game_args]

Where startup is either -jar *.jar or some library shenanigans (NeoForge/Forge require this).


Set to true if you do not want start.bat or generated.


Bukkit/Spigot forks such as Paper and Purpur all support the -Dcom.mojang.eula.agree=true flag which allows the agreement of eula without eula.txt. If this is set to true, mcman will add this flag to the arguments. If the server software does not support this argument, eula=true will be written to eula.txt.


Adds --nogui to the end


The preset flags to use. Available preset flags:

  • aikars: The famous Aikar's flags, mostly used by Paper-like servers but probably also effective in modded servers.
  • proxy: These flags were optimized for proxy servers such as bungeecord, waterfall or velocity.
  • none: (default) Dont use any preset flags

These flags were generously borrowed from


This field does not add any arguments to the startup command but rather helps mcman decide which java binary to use.

java_version = "17"

See this section for more information.

launcher.jvm_args and launcher.game_args

These optional fields allow you to add your own custom arguments.


If set, this controls the -Xmx/-Xms arguments. The value is the same as those arguments, for example:

memory = "4G"

However you can override this using the MC_MEMORY environment variable.

This table allows you to write property arguments such as -Dcom.mojang.eula.agree=true:

"com.mojang.eula.agree" = "true"

plugins/mods: Downloadable[]

clientsidemods: ClientSideMod[]

variables: Table of Strings

worlds: Table of String to World

markdown: Markdown Options

options: Server Options

Name Type Description
name string Name of the server
mc_version string/"latest" The minecraft version of the server
jar Downloadable Which server software to use
launcher ServerLauncher Options for generating launch scripts
plugins Downloadable[] A list of plugins to download
mods Downloadable[] A list of mods to download
clientsidemods ClientSideMod[] A list of client-side only mods, for packwiz/mrpack support
variables table of string See variables section
worlds table of World A table of worlds which may contain datapacks. The keys are the world names
markdown MarkdownOptions Options for markdown files, see here for more info